Monday, November 5, 2007

The perspective of a patient

I recently had the opportunity to be a patient here in Ecuador. I have a bad cough that I had attributed to my allergies, but it was getting worse and now had been 6 weeks (I know doctors are the worst patients). So I decided to go see one of the doctors here that I have worked with in the past and whom I trust. He listened to my lungs and decided I needed a chest x-ray. A little bit of background. The day before I went to see him I got an upset stomach and was real nauseated. I did not eat anything all day because I was afraid I would get sick. So here I am now, needing a chest x-ray. To get this x-ray, I had to walk 5 blocks up hill to the nearest place where they do x-rays. Now keep in mind I am weak from not having eaten anything all day the day before. I got my x-ray then I had to wait 1 hour for the doctor to come who reads the x-rays. After this I had to walk back 5 blocks (through a construction zone where they were working on the road. you can just walk right through while they are working, but beware of all the holes they have made.) I returned to the clinic with my x-ray and result, the doctor looked at it and said it was normal but I had abnormal sounds in my lung (which I had heard as well). Now he wants me to go see the pulmonologist. I had to get in a taxi and go cross town to the pulmonologist for another opinion. It ended up that I had a bronchitis type infection and I am now on antibiotics.

Here are my thoughts on this. When someone is sick enough to need an x-ray, we (physicians in Ecuador) make them walk 5+ blocks to get this x-ray, no matter what is wrong with them. Sure they can take a taxi, but that costs money and we already are making them pay for an x-ray they probably do not have much money left. I find this an odd practice, but unfortunatly that is the way it is here.

One good thing is it is very easy to get in to see the specialist and it only cost me $25 to see him.

So you know I am getting better.


sister sunshine said...

Becky, Sorry you are sick. I'm glad you were able to get thorough care while you are there, even if it means walking in circles and just ending up on antibiotics! I added you to my quick links so I don't forget to keep in touch with you. Don't eat any more rodents, that is gross. Srsly. Bleh. <3

Kristin Baker said...

Glad to know you got some meds! Looking forward to your next visit. We're doing a Beatles Christmas called "Let it Be Christmas: The Gospel According to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, George, and Ringo" Not sure if you're a Beatles fan, but it's gonna be awesome!