Thursday, November 29, 2007

language frustrations

As of today, I have been in language school for 6 weeks and 4 days (minus the 3 days I was sick). I am reaching the end of the predetermined amount of time I would need to master the spanish language (9 weeks). This week I have been in contact with the doctors in Shell (who are patiently awaiting my arrival) about when I will be starting. I informed them I was not sure I would be ready after 2 more weeks. We decided we would do a little test. The last week that I am in Ecuador, before returning to the states for Navidad, I will be going to Shell for 3 days to work with the docs there. They will then decide if I am ready or not.

I think this has been a source of anxiety for me. As of right now I do not feel ready, and now when I have a bad day (a day where I feel like I don't understand anything) I get really frustrated and my anxiety increases.

The reality is that I can have more time to study spanish if I need it, but we don't want me to study longer if I don't need it. I don't want to start working before I am ready because that will be even worse frustration for me.

Please pray for me during this time.

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