Sunday, December 2, 2007

The First Ecuadorian Haircut

I got my hair cut in September, before I left Massachusetts. Now it is December and I had frizzy, dead ends. I knew I could wait another 3 weeks until I was back in the states for a hair cut and pay $30+ or I could get my hair cut here and pay $3. I am going to have to get my hair cut in Ecuador eventually so why not start now, right?

So I decided to do it. I asked the lady I live with where she goes and if she would recommend it. She did recommend the place she goes and told me how to get there. I was a little worried, because no matter how hard I try to explain to the person cutting my hair, I always get bad hair cuts. So I asked at school, how do I explain in spanish how I want my hair cut. One of my professors told me exactly what to say. To say I wanted capas (layers) and only las puntas (the ends) cut off.

So I went to the peluqueria (salon) and explained exactly what I wanted and showed her how much I wanted cut off (only about 1 cm). She said she understood and she began to wet my hair. She then picked up the top part and made her first cut, about 3 inches off the top. My eyes got really big as I now realized she would have to cut the rest just as short to make it all flow. She thought she was doing a great job. And in reality she gave me a good hair cut it just is not what I wanted.

I think it looks fine, but I don't like it because I worked for over a year to get my hair to an easy style for Ecuador. I could go to bed with wet hair, straighten the front in the morning (about 3 minutes) and that was it. And if it didn't look good, I could pull it all up into a clip on the back of my head. Now, forget it, I can't even put the front behind my ear it is so short. Because I have curly hair, I can't leave it alone now because when my hair is short, my curls are not pretty. So now I have to straighten all of my hair except the back and I can not put it in a clip if I don't have time.

It is amazing how quickly someone can ruin something that I have worked so hard on for so long. But the reality is in about 6 months it will be back to the way it was and I will be laughing at this "bad hair cut". So I am a little annoyed about the whole thing, but I know it will grow, so oh well.

The best part is when I got home from the salon, I told the lady I live with that I don't like it. That I told her one thing and she did a completely different thing. She said they always do that to her too. So now I am wondering why she told me to go there. As for the first cut being in the front, I talked with a couple other women here who said everyone who cuts hair here does it that way. And they also told me that they never get their hair cut the way they want it either. So it appears to be the Ecuadorian way. I guess I have this to look forward to everytime I get a hair cut. Yipee!!

The photos are of my bad hair cut, one with it curly (how it would look if I didn't have time to fix it) and one after I have had time to fix it. Of course with it fixed, it looks fine (not much different than before). The tie dye shirt is a tribute to my good friend Karen!


Gregg n Bird said...

Hey Becky! I think it looks great! No worries! Also I wanted to say thanks so much for the baby shower gift. Our son was born on November 17th and all is right with the world. Peace.

Gregg and Margaret

Kristin Baker said...

I like it. It's definitely not as bas as Lauren's right now. After four years of growing it out to a beautiful all one length, she decided to take the scissors she uses to "style" her Barbie and use them on herself! Oh, well, this too shall pass . . .

Corey Mann said...

I miss you Becky Brice!

Anonymous said...

Hi I saw your hair cut picture and it looks great. Did you have to straighten your hair to make it look the way it is now or the haircut just did it? I have very frizzy and wavy hair and its all messed up i dont know how i can make it look neat! I straightened it once but it got further damaged. What do you suggest?


Anonymous said...

Why didn't you just wait till you got back to the states to get a "white haircut". Do you realize how ignorant the phrase the "Ecuadorian haircut" and the "Ecuadorian Way" sounds.