Monday, January 21, 2008

Bowling in Ecuador

Well, I have been wanting to go bowling since I got here and we finally went tonight. I went with Andrea , Mauricio, and Rene. We had a blast. The game is the exact same game as in the states (10 pin or big ball for my New England friends). Before we started, we had to pick our ball. Well, I looked for the heaviest ball (I bowl with a 15 lb ball in the states). This guy who works there, came up to me and said, the number on the ball is equal to the pounds, I said, I know. He then said, that one is 14 lbs, that is heavy. I said, I know. Anyway, I used that one because it was the heaviest one they had. Typical, he sees a woman and thinks I can't handle a 14 lb ball. Well, I did just fine with that 14 lb ball. I got a 179 the first game. The second game was not so good, Mauricio beat me with a 141. He thinks I let him win, but I didn't, he really beat me. But like I said, we had a good time.

Afterwards, we went to the Flavor of the Burger again. This is the same place that I don't like, where the burgers are very flat and chewy. I did not eat a burger this time, I learned my lesson the last time.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Way to show off your muscles with a 14 lb ball. I always scurry to find the lightest one...and I still bowl badly!

Kristin Baker said...

Careful, BEEG STRONG AMELICON WEEMON are intimidating to those handsome Ecuadorians . . . try not to come on too strong (wink, wink). Take it from someone who knows . .. which would not be me . . .