Thursday, March 20, 2008

What do those eyes belong to?

I walk with some friends at 5 am. Both of my friends I walk with live on the other side of the suspension bridge. So I have to walk to the other side of the bridge by myself. I have a system. There is a light at the beginning of the bridge, so I open the gate, get on the bridge, close the gate behind me, then I shine my flashlight all the way down the bridge to make sure there aren't any animals (snakes, tarantulas, monkeys...) waiting for me. Well, the other day, I was in a hurry so I closed the gate and began walking down the bridge while I got my flashlight ready to shine down the bridge. I shined the flashlight and at the other end of the bridge were 2 eyes looking at me. So I stopped, (I was probably about 20 feet from the gate at this point) my heart started beating a little faster, I continued to shine my light on it, trying to figure out what it was, then it began running toward me. I turned around and took off running toward the gate. Of course when I got to the gate, I could not open it. I was pulling instead of pushing, my heart was racing. I could only imagine what was running at me. So I got out of the gate, closed it, turned around and shined my flashlight to see what it was. And I quickly learned I was running from a little Kitten.


Anonymous said...

Hee hee! That's something I would do!

Kristin Baker said...

What a cool metaphor! I wonder how many kittens I've run from in my life . . . .

Steve-O said...

Forget Mel are BRAVEHEART

Anonymous said...

You will sleep with lizards...but you run from a little kitty, thanks, I needed a good laugh.